really nice don!
this is really nice!
i will be following you from nou on
15 4 you
really nice don!
this is really nice!
i will be following you from nou on
15 4 you
yes you have to at the filth! ill be waiting 0.0
JA! hij is wel echt chill man
alleen een beetje eentonig
met wat heb je dit gemaakt?
yoo man!
jaa klopt is wel eentonig, eigenlijk zou er ook nog wel zang bij moeten of iets. maarjaa, dat ga ik niet doen wee je. iig thanks voor je review en je punten!
oh, deze is gemaakt in FL Studio 9. ^^
Thanks man
nice first
it is hearable that you have experience with other genres nice don
yes! yeahyahyah
nice wobbles! i like to know how you made the yayaya screamer? pm if you want to
I'll make a tutorial about the whole song
really nice!
like the big change
That's what I'm going for.
1 jaar pas!
nice done
is it me, or does the melody sounds a bit the same as your b front sleepwalker remix?.
nice done !
i like it!
what kind of software do you use?
Magix Music Maker 16. It's an easy and quite good program to start with.
Joined on 10/12/10